The European Democratic Party Secretary General Sandro Gozi went for a study trip to the United States. His first stop was in New York for a meeting with Melissa Fleming at the UN: they had fascinating exchange on online political advertising and an update on the new rules voted last week by the European Parliament. Followed by a panel discussion on the war against Hamas organised by J Street: EDP called for immediate release of hostages, respect for international law, common security, and called for working for peace and democracy.
The day after, our EDP Secretary General went to Washington to the White House, where our Secretary General Sandro Gozi met the Director of the Domestic Policy Council for President Biden Neera Tanden for an interesting discussion on the American and European political situation and the global problems we face and how they affect elections.
Afterwards, our Secretary General took part in a roundtable at the Atlantic Council, where experts discussed the importance of Europe’s achievements on political advertising, transparency and disinformation, and how these issues have a major impact on European elections and beyond, at all levels.
In the second day for EDP and its General Secretary, Sandro Gozi, in Washington at the White House, we had the opportunity to meet John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy. Interesting discussion on the current world political landscape and the view of the elections through various commonalities between Europe and America. It was indeed an honour to be able to exchange with the congressman Jamie Razkin and discuss how to ensure transparent elections by providing the right information to citizens: elections and democracies at global level was the interesting discussion with congressman Don Beyer. Several points were discussed including, democracy, AI, misinformation during elections and new achievement at the European level for political advertising.
Finally, at the end of his study trip, Sandro Gozi met the ambassador of Italy in USA, Mariangela Zappia, with whom he had a long exchange of perspective on the international scenario with a special focus of the next European and American elections.
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The Democrats Pulse – december 2024
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