EDP in Zagreb: Presentation of the 2024 Manifesto

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

In Zagreb, on the occasion of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament, the presentation of  the manifesto of the European Democratic Party (EDP) was held.

The presentation was attended by other guests and invitees: Sandro Gozi – Secretary General of the European Democratic Party and Member of the European Parliament, Karl Erjavec – Vice President of the European Democratic Party, former  Slovenian Minister, Valter Flego – Member of the European Parliament to the parliament and holder of the electoral list of 12 parties in the elections for the European Parliament (IDS), Radimir Čačić – president of the People’s Party – Reformists, Gabriela Bošnjak (HSLS), Krunoslav Lukačić (HNS) and Natalija Martinčević – vice-president of the People’s Party – Reformists.


Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

It was pointed out that this was a historic moment for the liberal center in Croatian politics. High-ranking guests from Europe also confirmed that this is of crucial importance at this moment in the whole of Europe.

It was also emphasized that the greatest possible decentralization is the most important demand of these parties, and that regional and local authorities must be provided with direct access to EU funding through European funds, in order to prevent the central government from using the bureaucratic form for its political goals, i.e. to filter and prevents the projects of those regions where the opposition is in power. This turned out to be a big problem in Croatia and transition countries, but also in developed democracies.

In the discussion, it was also pointed out that it is necessary to fully defend the rights and needs of the elderly, who are the group of the population most sensitive to all threats, especially in the light of the aging population in the EU, and the speakers offered concrete solutions to the growing problem of securing affordable housing, which is also increasing in Croatia, but also on the territory of the entire Union.

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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