Engin Eroglu, elected as vice-president executive of EDP

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that German Freie Wähler MEP Engin Eroglu has been elected executive vice-president.
“I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years”, said Eroglu: “I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens”.
EDP Segretary General Sandro Gozi explain: “Engin’s appointment as Executive Vice-President further strengthens the EDP team: “We have found a loyal and pragmatic partner in the Free Democrats who shares our path and who performed well in the European elections. His appointment will reinforce this path and further strengthen our party. Engin will certainly bring added value to EDP and we thank him for that”

Attached the bio and the letter of acceptance of the role by Engin Eroglu:

I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years. In my new role, I look forward to working towards the realization of our shared goals, as there is still much to be done in the European Union:

· Creating new jobs is essential to strengthening the EU’s economy. With 13 million unemployed people in the EU, we need to invest in education and create a business friendly environment.

· Furthermore, we face the challenge of a still ongoing inflation. While of course the ECB is in the driving seat to fight inflation, the member states and the EU have to do their part and maintain fiscal discipline. A stable currency and healthy public finances are the foundation for economic prosperity and social security throughout the Union

· Another key issue is the strategic autonomy of the EU. It is imperative that the European Union becomes more autonomous and independent to be better prepared for external aggressions and to reduce our vulnerability. This not only applies to defence but also to strategic industries, energy supply, and digital infrastructure. We must work to make the EU more resilient and less dependent on external actors.

In all these areas, I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens.


Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

Related member(s)

Secretary General


Executive Vice-President

Freie Wähler

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Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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