Launch of our new campaign “Solutions for Europe” next week!

After many months of preparation, I am delighted to announce that our party’s new Europe-wide campaign “ Solutions for Europe” will be launched next week! It will be structured around a series of events in 14 cities across Europe this year and throughout 2023. The objective is simple: showcasing the many local solutions and ideas that tackle today’s democratic, economic, social and educational challenges, and how they could be applied at EU level. We will give the floor to a diversity of stakeholders: innovators, NGOs, local officials, business leaders, civil society, young people, etc.

The first event will be on 18th February in Angers (France), and will be hosted by our MEP from the region: Catherine Chabaud. It will also be livestreamed by Facebook from 10.00am. They’ll be a dozen speakers on the event’s different topics: François Taddei, Founder of the Learning Planet Institute on education, Michel Catala, Alliance Europa Institute Director, Nicolas Le Berre, Founder of Cityzens Factory on the new models of governance, Noam Leandri, Secretary General of the ADEME Pays de Loire on the economy supporting the common good … And many other innovative entrepreneurs from the area.

The campaign will then continue to different countries, in Poland this Spring and Germany in September. Make sure to tune in!

Sandro Gozi
MPE et SG du PDE

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