Tempi nuovi - Website of the European Democrats EDP/PDE 🇮🇹

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Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu


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Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

Towards the new migration pact: promoting local participation in the European response to the migration challenge

CoaliciĂłn Canaria and the European Democratic Party organised a Seminar on Migration, Asylum and Refugees at the CICCA Cultural Centre in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
In an event in which the Secretary General of the CC and President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, and the Secretary General of the EDP and MEP, Sandro Gozi, took part, they addressed the new European Migration Pact, recently approved, from different perspectives, and discussed measures and tools that allow the promotion of local participation in the European response to the migration challenge.

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Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

Europe in the spotlight in Brittany with Marie-Pierre Vedrenne

The event focused on parliamentary simulations, offering middle and high school students an immersive experience in the working field of European politics. These simulations, planned by the Breizh France Finistère association, have been designed to be both educational and engaging. They allowed the young participants to slip into the shoes of MEPs, debating and making decisions on current European issues.

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