With our gaze fixed on Europe against all populist national-sovereignity

In the article featured in Il Foglio, this morning, journalist Oscar Giannino presents the initiative that we will see take place tomorrow in Milan, with the support of the European Democratic Party and Renew Europe.

Many speakers of a vast reformist and liberal-democratic world, ranging from EDP Secretary General Sandro Gozi to Third Pole leaders Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda, as well as speakers of Più Europa and other movements of our political area will also be there.

Oscar Giannino writes : “to get out of the quagmire of continuety. After thirty years of failures of this right and this left, [we] relaunch even more and better in Italy the authentically liberal culture and political action. With our gaze fixed on Europe against all populist national-sovereignity with explicit reference to the community of forces that has grown throughout Europe in recent years through first the experience of the European Democratic Party (nothing tot do with our own PD) and then from 2019 in Renew Europe with its 103 elected members of the European Parliament.”

Read the full article here 

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