António de Sousa Marinho e Pinto

Vice President


● Founded in 2014 the PDR – the Republican Democratic Party

● Member of the European Parliament from 2014-2019

● Served on the Fisheries and Legal Affairs Committees

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An EDP Vice-President since 2016, António de Sousa Marinho e Pinto is a Portuguese lawyer and former journalist. In July 2020 he was appointed honorary president of the Republican Democratic Party (PDR). He founded the PDR in 2014. That same year he was elected in 2014 to the European Parliament, where he served a full five-year term. While there, he was Vice-Chair for the Delegation for relations with the Federative Republic of Brazil. 

He served on the Committee on Fisheries and Committee on Legal Affairs and a substitute of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL). Before then, he was president of the Union of Portuguese-Speaking Lawyers (UALP) from 2012 to 2013 and the Portuguese Bar Association from 2008 to 2013. He practiced law for nearly 20 years starting in 1985 and was a journalist from 1979 to 2006. A member of the Executive Committee of the Union of Portuguese Journalists from 1986 to 1987. He was born in 1950 in Vila Chã do Marão, Amarante.

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