Carmine Pacente

European Committee of the Regions


● Alternate Member of Committee of the Regions (2020-)

● President of Europe Department of ANCI (2019)

● Elected to City Council of Milan (2016 & 2021)

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Carmine Pacente has been an alternate Member of the Committee of the Regions in “Territorial Cohesion Policy, Structural Funds, and European Budget” since January 2020. He is a member of the Milan Municipal Council and of Renew Europe. As of 2019, Pacente has served as President of the Europe Department of ANCI in Lombardy. In 2016 and again in 2021, he was elected to the City Council of Milan. He became a member of Azione in October 2022.

Pacente was born in Vallo della Lucania in Campania. He studied his bachelor’s degree in economics at Bocconi in Milan and also completed his master’s degree in public management at SDA Bocconi. Pacente’s area of specialization in Milan was the programming and management of European funds and was responsible for the Europe Service of the Province of Milan. He continues to be Head of European Policies and Programming and LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) of the Metropolitan City of Milan.  


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