Towards the new migration pact: promoting local participation in the European response to the migration challenge - Website of the European Democrats

Towards the new migration pact: promoting local participation in the European response to the migration challenge

Coalición Canaria and the European Democratic Party organised a Seminar on Migration, Asylum and Refugees at the CICCA Cultural Centre in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

In an event in which the Secretary General of the CC and President of the Canary Islands, Fernando Clavijo, and the Secretary General of the EDP and MEP, Sandro Gozi, took part, they addressed the new European Migration Pact, recently approved, from different perspectives, and discussed measures and tools that allow the promotion of local participation in the European response to the migration challenge.

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The seminar, with a welcome and opening of the doors, was inaugurated by the MEP of the EDP, Izaskun Barandica, and the National Secretary of Organisation and President of the Canary Islands Nationalist Group, David Toledo. Afterwards, the Secretary General of the EDP presented the Manifesto of the European Democratic Party.

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The first-round table analysed the ‘First impact: Asylum and migration from the perspective of the host communities’ and included the journalist from El País, María Martín, the Director General of Social Affairs and Immigration of the Government of the Canary Islands, Elisabet Santana, and the Director of Operations and Founder of, Razan Ismail. The opening of this round table featured the testimonies of three migrants living in the Canary Islands. This table served to highlight what the main approaches are when host communities need to handle a high number of migrants. The speakers displayed the differences between the regional and continental necessities and praised for a more EU’s involvement in the coordination.

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The second-round table, entitled ‘Facing the truth: The new reality of migration and the EU’s global response’ was presented by EDP MEP, Izaskun Barandica, and included interventions by EDP leader and MEP, Sandro Gozi, Renew Europe MEP, Sen21 representative, Lenka Koenigsmark, and the Director General for Relations with Africa of the Government of the Canary Islands, Luis Padilla.

After the conclusion made by EDP MEP Izaskun Barandica, the speaker took part in a guided visit at centre Centro de Acogida Tomas Morales in Las Palmas, which was organised by DG of Children and Family Protection.

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Secretary General


Izaskun<br>Bilbao Barandica
Bilbao Barandica
Member of the Presidency

Basque Country

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Towards the new migration pact: promoting local participation in the European response to the migration challenge

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