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This conference promoted by the European Democratic Party together with Tempi Nuovi – Popolari uniti served to explore the themes of modern Europeanism, looking at the future of Europe in the sign of De Gasperi.
The conference entitled ‘De Gasperi’s Europe. The future of Europe’, took place in Rome on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 5pm.

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The speakers were: Angelo Sanza (founder of Base Popolare), Sandro Gozi (Secretary General of the European Democratic Party, MEP), Giuseppe Gargani (President of the Association of Former Members of the Italian Republic), Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (MEP, Renew Europe Group), Giorgio Merlo (journalist), Federico Fauttilli (journalist), Angela Demattè (playwright and actress), Nicola Danti (MEP, Group Vice President, Renew Europe Group), Giuseppe Tognon (President of the Fondazione Trentina Alcide De Gasperi), Francesco Rutelli (President of the Associazione Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche Audiovisive e Digitali), Lucio D’Ubaldo (journalist), Giuseppe Fioroni (founder of Piattaforma Popolare – Tempi Nuovi).

In front of a large heterogeneous audience, the following topics were discussed: Catholicism, Centre, Christianity, Culture, DC, De Gasperi, Democracy, Right, Government, War, Italy, European Parliament, Parties, European Democratic Party, Politics, Reforms, Society, History, Theatre, New Times, Togliatti, European Union, USA.

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Secretary General


Izaskun<br>Bilbao Barandica
Bilbao Barandica
Member of the Presidency

Basque Country

Vice President

Italia Viva

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