“Deserving Europe”, the School of Political Training organized every year by Matteo Renzi, the European Democratic Party and Italia Viva has grown again this year and launched a sparkling edition with enthusiasm, energy, and involvement. After the success of the first three events – in 2019 in the province of Lucca, in 2020 in Castrocaro Terme in Emilia-Romagna and 2021 in Ponte di Legno, in the Lombardy Alps – and the break in 2022 for the concomitance with the national elections, the appointment with the Political Training School for Under 35 conceived and wanted by Matteo Renzi has returned.
This year “Deserving Europe” was held in the region of Sicily, also to overturn the paradigm that sees the South and its main islands away from Europe. The meeting with the “grand politique” of more than 500 young people, including about fifty from other European countries, indicated by the party’s members of the PDE and Renew Europe, started on 7 September 2023 from Terrasini, in the province of Palermo. Also, this year there was support from both the Renew Europe Group and the European Democratic Party.
This year there were many guests. Don Coluccia, the priest who suffered an attempted murder by crime in Rome last week, spoke to former Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova about legality and suburbs. About rights and justice, together with the Italian Deputy Viva Roberto Giachetti, spoke Gaia Tortora, the deputy director of TgLa7 who recalled the figure of the father Enzo Tortora, Lucia Annibali, interviewed by Maria Elena Boschi, on the theme of violence against women, was the voice of those who have never given up. She was the Italian criminal justice network’s inadvertent TV presenter.
The artificial intelligence expert Matteo Flora has addressed, interviewed by Alessio De Giorgi, one of the phenomena that will upset the world of work and professions more than others.
The initiative has, of course, being talked about, and a lot of it, about Europe. The Secretary General of the European Democratic Party Sandro Gozi and the head of the Italian delegation within Renew Europe Nicola Danti held two interactive workshops with the young activists: the first one on freedom, rights and the rule of law in the Union, the second on environmental issues. Thanks to software, these activists were able to interact with the two MEPs, asking them questions and answering live polls.
The parliamentarians and the elected members of Italia Viva, beginning with the coordinator of the party Raffaella Paita, were involved during two rounds of evening discussion tables in a dialogue with the five hundred young participants, but also in a phase of listening and attention to the issues coming from the world of schools, universities, and associations.
Just studying? Partly yes, but there were also sporting and leisure moments, with Matteo Renzi starring together with the boys.
Three intense days then, hot topics and important interlocutors that have made discussion, hundreds of activists from all over Europe and who have dedicated days of this queue of their summer to study, deepen, and discuss together with Matteo Renzi and many experts and politicians.
“As Italia Viva we want to bet on a generation that invests in politics and not populism. This is our brand identity”, he declared from Italia Viva. “For this reason, our school is not a simple school of politics, but an unprecedented opportunity for formation, meeting and discussion that is renewed every year.
We want to provide the youngest with the tools to understand today but also and above all the future that is being generated, to form a new ruling class that is competent, courageous, passionate; a generation of leaders not of followers”.
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