EDP at the Freie Wähler Congress in Geiselwind

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

On November 16, 2024, the European Democratic Party (EDP) had the honor of attending the Party Congress of the Freie Wähler (FW) in the charming town of Geiselwind, Bavaria. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Freie Wähler for welcoming us to this important gathering and for fostering a strong collaboration and exchange of ideas with their working groups and offices across Germany. The Congress was a testament to the FW’s commitment to grassroots politics and innovative solutions for the country’s future. Congratulations to our MEPs Engin Eroglu, Joachim Streit and Christine Singer on their well-deserved election to the FW Presidency, a recognition of their exemplary leadership in Germany and Europe.


A notable moment of the event was a rousing speech by FW President Hubert Aiwanger, who energized the assembly with his passionate announcement of the FW’s candidates for the upcoming Federal Elections. His words reflected the FW’s vision for a fairer and stronger Germany, with responsible leadership from the FW, which resonated deeply with all in attendance. The EDP values this opportunity to work alongside our German partners and strengthen our shared commitment to democratic, centrist values and European unity.

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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Freie Wähler

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Freie Wähler

Member of the Presidency

Freie Wähler

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