Legal Notice - Website of the European Democrats

Legal Notice

This website is edited by the European Democratic Party, a European political party, with the registration number EUPP 4 BE 0867.454.469.

Head office: Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Brussels – Belgium Telephone: +32 2 213 00 10 Email address: [email protected]

Unless otherwise indicated, the content of this site is the exclusive property of the European Democratic Party. Any total or partial reproduction without express consent is prohibited. Photographs: Soazig de la Moissonnière / Others: all rights reserved

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•  Webomatik – SIRET 79816694800025 – 20 rue du jardinet, 40800 Aire sur l’adour – Landes – France – [email protected] 

With the financial support of the European Parliament. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Parliament.

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