Two EDP European parliamentarians drive important energy use, renewables legislation

Major EU legislative moves at the European Parliament plenary could bring concrete results to tackle pressing energy policy needs thanks to policy work by two EDP MEPs.

MEP Nicola Danti (Italia Viva, Italy) helped drive efforts that lead to the parliament backing today the recast the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED). The favourable vote moves Europe towards a sea change in how it tackles energy use by households, industry, and the public sector.

The EED framework includes the Fit for 55 package to ensure EU progress towards climate neutrality by 2050, which aims at reducing overall energy use, slashing emissions and tackling energy poverty. Lower energy use by 40% in 2030 across the EU (compared to 2007), as outlined in Fit for 55, presents a clear path to cut greenhouse gas emissions, temper the urge to import energy, and lower costs for households and overall economy alike. A pressing need exists to drive further energy efficiency while ensuring a smooth transition for jobs and growth-producing small- and medium-sized firms and industries.

A Renew Europe Vice-President and ITRE shadow rapporteur, Danti commented: “The cheapest energy is the energy we don’t use. Our main challenge is to increase the efficiency and sustainability of our economy and, at the same time, stimulate our growth. Everyone can to do their part: citizens, industries, and the public sector.”

Relatedly, the plenary in Strasbourg endorsed this week to revise the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) promises to spur a faster energy shift in Europe. The final compromise foresees a reference to demand-flexibility measures, in addition to a specific 5% target for innovative renewable energy technologies, notably to safeguard the Union’s industrial competitiveness. The directive is one of the flagship initiatives and sets forth aims to meet Union energy and climate targets by securing at least 45% of renewables in the overall energy mix by decade’s end. It also sets a course for energy system join-up and sustainability criteria for bioenergy – in line with the Repower EU plan.

EDP MEP Christophe Grudler, (Mouvement Démocrate, France), a RED shadow rapporteur within the Renew Group, noted: “We need cost-efficient renewables in Europe! I am pleased with the overall results of the revision of the directive, which will ensure a faster energy transition through ambitious but achievable targets. The war in Ukraine puts even more pressure on us to intensify the deployment of renewable energy, to shift away from Russian products and reinforce our energy autonomy. And Renew Europe is committed to deliver.”

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Vice President

Italia Viva

Christophe <br>Grudler


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