The situation of energy and climate

Climate change is no longer a theory, it is a reality. It no longer concerns “future generations” but affects our current environment. Cruel paradox, the effects of global warming threaten first and foremost the countries that pollute the least. Dramatic droughts and catastrophic floods follow one another, as do the annual climate conferences. Greenhouse gas emissions have increased by two thirds since the Rio conference in 1992.


Our proposals

The transition to a green economy represents the third industrial revolution, creating millions of jobs in Europe and worldwide. Europe must therefore show the way to impose concrete actions.

  • An ambitious policy in favor of renewable energies:
    The priority return to fossil fuels is unthinkable, we must therefore focus our research and development policies on the efficient production of renewable energies while continuing research aimed at properly exploiting current or future deposits.
  • A strategy for energy self-sufficiency and security:
    We propose a European energy community based on the diversification of a common European energy mix, the integration of networks as well as sources of supply, and a mutual assistance mechanism in case of energy shortages.
  • Put a price on carbon:
    Companies must be incentivized to switch to alternative energy sources, but they cannot do so without the certainty that all stakeholders are sharing the effort. Putting a price on greenhouse gas emissions is the strong signal companies are waiting for to turn to renewable energy.
  • Implement a tax on financial transactions:
    As an innovative, sustainable and non-discriminatory source of funding, it can enable the constitution of a global investment fund for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Our commitments

Every day, the PDE defends its ideas through various actions and puts forward its positions. For example:

  • In the European Parliament : 
    Ulrike Müller, vice-president of the PDE, and Catherine Chabaud defend our ideas in the Environment Committee.
  • In our manifesto:
    We have been advocating these proposals for several years. They were already at the heart of our manifesto in 2009 and 2014.
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PDE en Gaeta 2024

From Oct. 11-13, the town of Gaeta, in the province of Latina, halfway between Rome and Naples, became the center of political education in Italy during the fifth edition of the “Deserving Europe” training school, organized by EDP and the italian political party Italia Viva and aimed at young people under 35

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EDP in Guidel 2024

Cette année, les militants du Mouvement Démocrate, ainsi que des membres du Parti Démocrate Européen, ont eu le plaisir de se rendre à nouveau à Guidel, où les Journées de l'Europe se sont tenues du 27 au 29 septembre, en marge de l'Université de rentrée organisée par le parti français.

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Le PDE entre deux congrès : Bitburg et Blois

Le congrès du parti fédéral à Bitburg a débuté par un accueil musical, donnant le ton d'une journée de discussions éclairantes et de sujets importants sur le parti lui-même et l'Europe. Le congrès du Mouvement démocrate à Blois, le mois dernier, a plutôt servi de point de convergence, réunissant des personnes partageant les mêmes idées, engagées dans des idéaux progressistes et des solutions novatrices. Les deux événements ont témoigné de l'engagement inébranlable du mouvement à favoriser l'unité, à façonner l'avenir de la politique et à promouvoir une gouvernance inclusive.

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