Politique étrangère et sécurité

The key is European foreign and security policy, in this new state of the world. This is an imperative that stems from new issues such as “cyber threats” and terrorism. A pooling of the operational resources of the member states’ armed forces and intelligence services is necessary to put an end to waste and inefficiency. Europe has been too absent from recent global upheavals and must speak with one voice on the world stage if it wishes to be heard.

Thus, its external action must be a factor in promoting Europe’s intrinsic values of respect for human rights, democracy and fair economic development. The Union must also strengthen its partnership policy with the countries of the eastern neighbourhood. 

We want a Europe with three circles: beyond the countries of the euro zone and the European Union stricto sensu, a “circle of shared interests” with countries wishing to come closer to European standards in terms of human rights, democracy and pluralism, the social market economy and living standards.

Our commitments

The key is European foreign and security policy, in this new state of the world. This is an imperative that stems from new issues such as “cyber threats” and terrorism. A pooling of the operational resources of the member states’ armed forces and intelligence services is necessary to put an end to waste and inefficiency. Europe has been too absent from recent global upheavals and must speak with one voice on the world stage if it wishes to be heard.

Thus, its external action must be a factor in promoting Europe’s intrinsic values of respect for human rights, democracy and fair economic development. The Union must also strengthen its partnership policy with the countries of the eastern neighbourhood. 

We want a Europe with three circles: beyond the countries of the euro zone and the European Union stricto sensu, a “circle of shared interests” with countries wishing to come closer to European standards in terms of human rights, democracy and pluralism, the social market economy and living standards.

Les actualités liées

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

European Democrat visiting Independent Ireland leadership in Dublin

Des membres éminents du Parti démocrate européen se sont rendus au Dáil Éireann, le Parlement irlandais, pour renforcer les liens avec l'Irlande indépendante. Le député européen Ciarán Mullooly s'est joint à la délégation, ainsi que les députés indépendants irlandais Michael Collins, Richard O'Donoghue, Ken O'Flynn et Michael Fitzmaurice.

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