Migration und Flüchtlinge

The essential thing is a fair and effective fight against the dramas born of illegal immigration. Europe must provide itself with the budgetary, operational and legal means to act within the framework of a common asylum and immigration policy. The reception of people fleeing war and persecution in their own country is one of the cardinal values of our civilisation. The so-called Dublin rules must be replaced by a permanent mechanism that ensures a fair distribution of refugees. There must be appropriate financial and material solidarity between the members of the Union. In this respect, a single asylum system is indispensable.

Europe and the international community must be resolutely committed to the fight against human trafficking. The culprits are not simply “smugglers” but real criminal organisations extending their ramifications through corruption and the financing of terrorism. It is necessary to dismantle the networks and bring those responsible to justice for crimes against humanity while strengthening sanctions against their assets.

Finally, Europe needs a co-development policy with a win-win partnership with our partners, especially with Africa: it must take on regulated immigration, in cooperation with and not to the detriment of emigration countries and regions.


Our commitments

Every day, the PDE defends its ideas through various actions and puts forward its positions. For example:

  • In the European Parliament:
    Nathalie Griesbeck and Gérard Deprez, former members of the European Parliament, defended our positions in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
  • In our manifesto:
    We have been advocating these proposals for several years. They were already at the heart of our manifesto in 2009 and 2014.
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