50PLUS and Liste Fritz join EDP

The European Democrats are proud to announce today the membership of two new political parties: “50Plus”, a Dutch centrist political party founded in 2009 with the aim of protecting the interests of pensioners, and “Liste Fritz Tirol”, an Austrian regionalist political party founded in 2008 and based in Tyrol. Welcome, then, to the new friends who have recognised themselves in the EDP’s guiding principles and who are joining our community today. Gerrit van Otterloo, President of the 50Plus Foundation, has been elected Vice-President of the EDP.

“We are very happy to announce that we have two new member parties – says Sandro Gozi, EDP Secretary General -: our action for a more democratic Europe, of territorial diversity, of justice between territories and generations is strengthened. The EDP will continue on this path to be ever stronger and more active in the 27 Member States in the run-up to the European elections and beyond”.

Secretary General


The Democratic family

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EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED)

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