Archives des Sen21 - Website of the European Democrats


Articles, opinion pieces and interviews highlighting ideas shared by elected policymakers.

EDP Manifesto Presentation

On 14 May, the EDP will present the EDP Manifesto in Zagreb, a wonderful opportunity to do understand the political situation in Croatia and to to talk about the political future for the Western Balkans.

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Detaily níže Detaily níže Kam kráčíš, Evropo Při příležitosti 20 let vstupu České republiky do EU pořádá European democratic party (EDP), která je součástí liberální frakce Renew Europe mezinárodní konferenci “Kam kráčíš, Evropo”. Organizováno s finanční podporou Evropského parlamentu V

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Sen 21

Sen 21

SEN 21 ● 2024: Participation in the European elections ● 2019: Joining the EDP ● 2017: Creation See the website Facebook Twitter Instagram Latest Tweets Related news Ask a question

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“Solutions for Europe” in Czechia

In the run-up to the Czech Presidency of the EU, the European Democratic Party, with the help of our Czech member Senator 21, organised its third “Solutions for Europe” event in Brno. The event focused on our white paper on Europe…

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The Democratic family

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The European Democratic Party guarantees the highest level of transparency in the pursuit of its exclusive purpose as well as in its organization and financing.

EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED).

Contact information

+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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Avec le soutien financier du Parlement européen

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