Archives des Members - Website of the European Democrats


Articles, opinion pieces and interviews highlighting ideas shared by elected policymakers.

Ciaran Mullooly, new Irish independent MEP for the European Democratic Party

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that it has received and accepted the application for individual membership of Irish MEP Ciaran Mullooly, elected in the Midlands-North-West constituency. Accordingly, the European Democratic Party has forwarded the documentation to the Renew Europe group for its membership, that was accepted today. With Mullooly’s membership, the EDP rises to 10 MEPs.

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Engin Eroglu, elected as vice-president executive of EDP

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that German Freie Wähler MEP Engin Eroglu has been elected executive vice-president.
“I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years”, said Eroglu: “I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens”.

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Dr. Joachim Streit

🇩🇪 👋🏻 I’m Dr. Joachim Streit [email protected] my personal page on the EP website ● Chairman of the FREIE WÄHLER parliamentary group in the Rhineland-Palatinate state parliament ● 58 years old, married with three children ● Fully qualified lawyer, Dr.

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Christine Singer

🇩🇪 👋🏻 I’m Christine Singer [email protected] my personal page on the EP website ● Born in 1965 in Weilheim, Upper Bavaria ● Farmer and Certified Housekeeping Manager ● State Farmer of the Bavarian Farmers’ Association, engaged there voluntarily for 25 years

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Press Conference: new party member Les Engagés join the EDP

On Thursday 20 June, Maxime PREVOT, President of the Mouvement Les Engagés, and Yvan VEROUGSTRAETE, Vice-President and MEP, announced the arrival of the Mouvement Les Engagés in the European Democratic Party at a press conference at the European Parliament in the presence of François BAYROU, President of the PDE, and Sandro GOZI, Secretary General of the European Party.

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Engin Eroglu

Engin Eroglu

🇩🇪 👋🏻 I’m Engin Eroglu, member of the presidency of the EDP [email protected] my personal page on the EP website Full Member of Economic & Monetary Affairs (ECON) Substitute Member of Foreign Affairs (AFET) Substitute Member of Industry, Research &

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Yvan Verougstraete

🇧🇪 👋🏻 I’m Yvan Verougstraete [email protected] my website ● Full Member of Industry, Research & Energy (ITRE)  ● Substitute Member of Environment, Public Health & Food Safety (ENVI)  ● Substitute Member of Internal Market & Consumer Protection (IMCO) ● Change

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EBU Eurovision Debate 2024

On May 23, 2024, the EBU Eurovision Debate brought together the lead candidates for the presidency of the European Commission in a high-stakes discussion held in the European Parliament in Brussels. This debate was widely broadcast across Europe through public service media channels and online platforms, ensuring extensive reach and engagement with audiences all over the continent.

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The Democratic family

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The European Democratic Party guarantees the highest level of transparency in the pursuit of its exclusive purpose as well as in its organization and financing.

EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED).

Contact information

+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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