Cultures - Website of the European Democrats


The most important thing is to promote cultural and linguistic diversity, which is the wealth of our continent, our history, our cities and territories. 

The EU actions initiated in the 1990s must be continued and expanded. It is a question of contributing to the blossoming of the cultures of the Member States while respecting their national and regional diversity, while highlighting the common cultural heritage. 

Faced with the economic power of its non-European competitors, the creative sector must be encouraged. It is therefore important that the European States preserve their systems of public aid to the film and audiovisual industries.

Our commitments

Every day, the PDE defends its ideas through various actions and puts forward its positions. For example:

In the European Parliament:
Laurence Farreng, MEP, defends our ideas in the Committee on Culture and Education.
In our manifesto:
We have been defending these proposals for several years. They were already at the heart of our manifesto in 2009 and 2014.

Website of the European Democrats -

EDP between two congresses: Bitburg and Blois

The Federal Party Congress in Bitburg began with a musical welcome, setting the tone for a day of enlightening discussions and important topic on the party itself and Europe. Instead, the Movement Democrate’s Congress in Blois last month served as a pivotal gathering, uniting like-minded people committed to progressive ideals and innovative solutions. The two events were a testament to the movement’s unwavering commitment to fostering unity, shaping the future of politics and promoting inclusive governance.

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Congress of the EDP in Mainz 2023: step towards the future of Europe

The European Democratic Party held an insightful Congress on the 13th of October 2023, in the historic city of Mainz, Germany. Not only did delegations from Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and many other countries have come together to attend this important event, but it also served as a breeding ground for fundamental debates and innovative proposals that address the pressing issues of our era.

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Centrist Convention in Guidel: Setting the Agenda for Political Action and Citizen Involvement

Hundreds of activists and political leaders congregated at Guidel over the course of the event. In the same way, as François Bayrou put it: “We believe that the goal of political action is to create a society in which the humanity in each of us flourishes.”, the high attendance of people not only signaled the party’s active role in national affairs but also the society’s interested in being involved in such context.

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