EDP goes to Cyprus: the visit of our Secretary General Sandro Gozi

The visit of the Secretary General of the European Democratic Party, Sandro Gozi, to the Republic of Cyprus ended today.
This visit is part of the EDP’s work to consolidate relations with all democratic and centrist political parties in the European Union.

During the two-day visit, Sandro Gozi, accompanied by EDP Honorary President and former Cypriot MP Nikos Koutsou, met with EDP individual member Pavlos Mylonas MP, spokesman of DIKO – the Cypriot Democratic Party, and representatives of the EDP member Citizens’ Platform. Later today, the EDP Secretary General met with Christiana Erotokritou, Vice-President of DIKO, and finally with Nikos Christodoulides, President of the Republic of Cyprus.

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

“Our main mission”, said Sandro Gozi, “is certainly to consolidate the political space with Renew Europe, but alongside this – in a perspective of work that goes beyond 2024 – there is also the need to continue the dialogue with all democratic and centrist parties that, although belonging to other European political families, share values and objectives with us”.


“I thank the President of the Republic, our friend Christodoulides”, Gozi continued, “for welcoming us: a young, newly elected, independent and convinced pro-European President, who remains one of our favourite European leaders: we are expecting him soon in Brussels at the European Parliament”.

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED)

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