Nicola Caputo

European Committee of the Regions

Italia Viva

● Alternate member of the Committee of Regions since 2021

● Member of the European Parliament from 2014-2019

● Member of the Campania Regional Council from 2005 to 2014

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Nicola Caputo has served as an alternate member of the Committee of Regions since 2021. He is a member and coordinator for the Renew group for the Natural Resources Committee, or NAT; and a member and coordinator for the Renew group of the Euro-Mediterranean Regional and Local Assembly, or ARLEM since 2022. A Campania regional minister in charge of agricultural policies since 2020, Since July 2019, he has held the position of director general of the president of the Campania Region for European affairs and international relations; agriculture, food and forestry, hunting and fishing policies; and regional strategies for the definition of the new regional development programme for the period 2021 to 2027. He previously was a member of the European Parliament 2014-2019. While there, he served on the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, was a member of the Delegation for relations with the United States and the Delegation for relations with the People's Republic of China.

A wine sector entrepreneur from 1987 to 2010 through his family businesses, he was its marketing and internationalization manager. Be put in place a joint venture project in the sector by setting up a company in China in 1996, acquired institutional roles in the main sectoral trade associations such as Confindustria and Agivi, and launched a long list of consortia throughout southern Italy.

Born in 1966, he received a degree in economics from the University of Naples Federico II, the oldest public university in the world, with specialisation in commercial law – from the Faculty of Law of the and a master’s degree with specialisation in law and administration of local authorities and a master’s degree in marketing and agri-food sector product marketing. He speaks English and Italian.


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