● Minister of State for Children, Youth and Families, attached to the Minister for Labour, Health and Solidarity, the Minister for Education and Youth and the Minister for Justice since 2024
● Minister of State for Biodiversity, attached to the Minister for the Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion from 2023 to 2024
● Minister of State for Youth and General National Service, attached to the Minister of Armed Forces and of National Education and Youth from 2022 to 2023
● Member of the Board of the Institute of European Democrats (IED) since 2019
● Colonel since 2019 in the Citizen Reserve of the French National
Sarah El Haïry is Minister of State with responsibility for Biodiversity, attached to the Minister for the Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion. In that role since 2023, before then she was from 2020 to 2022, Minister of State for Youth and Engagement, attached to the Minister of National Education, Youth and Sport and from 2022 to 2023, Minister of State for Youth and General National Service, attached to the Minister of Armed Forces and of National Education and Youth. An Institute of European Democrats board member since 2019, she has been since 2018 a spokesperson for the Mouvement Démocrate, an EDP member political party. She also served from 2017 to 2020 as a member of French parliament representing the 5th constituency of the Loire Atlantique and a member of the assembly’s Finance Committee. Before then, she was from 2015 to 2017 a regional delegate to the UP group and prior to that a business manager at Sagemcom from 2013 – 2014. At local level, she was elected in 2020 as a Community Councillor in the Nantes Métropole as well as a municipal councillor in Nantes. Since 2019: Colonel in the Citizen Reserve of the National Gendarmerie. From 2015 to 2017 she was a delegate for the Fondation chèque déjeuner, and from 2016 until 2017 an administrator of occupational medicine at SSTRN, or Service de santé au travail de la région Nantaise - the occupational health service of the Nantes region. During that time, she was engaged in the European Trade Union Confederation for Young People within CFTC – a French employees union. She studied at the Institut des hautes études de Défense nationale (IHEDN) and the University of Nantes, faculty of law and political science. She was born in 1989 in the city of Romorantin-Lanthenay, in the Loir-et-Cher department situated in the Centre-Val de Loire region of France.
🖤 Le 13 janvier 2021, Marielle de Sarnez nous quittait.
Ses valeurs, ses combats, son amour pour l’Europe et son dévouement envers les Français continuent de nourrir notre engagement chaque jour.
Toujours pour la liberté, #toujoursCharlie .
En ce 11 novembre, nous honorons la mémoire de celles et ceux qui se sont battus pour notre liberté. Souvenons-nous de leur sacrifice et de notre devoir de préserver la paix. #11Novembre
Toujours se mobiliser #NonAuHarcelement !
"Ton problème c'est mon problème."
Un slogan fort imaginé par des élèves pour la campagne de communication lancée à l'occasion de la journée nationale de lutte contre le harcèlement.
Une campagne qui valorise l’empathie, l’importance d’une communauté protectrice et la dynamique…
Visite d’État au Maroc : la cérémonie de signatures d’accords en présence du Président @EmmanuelMacron et du Roi Mohammed VI.