The Democrats Pulse – January/February 2025
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter, which from today will be a regular monthly feature.
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter, which from today will be a regular monthly feature.
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter, which from today will be a regular monthly feature.
From Oct. 11-13, the town of Gaeta, in the province of Latina, halfway between Rome and Naples, became the center of political education in Italy during the fifth edition of the “Deserving Europe” training school, organized by EDP and the italian political party Italia Viva and aimed at young people under 35
“Deserving Europe”, the School of Political Training organized every year by Matteo Renzi, the European Democratic Party and Italia Viva has grown again this year and launched a sparkling edition with enthusiasm, energy, and involvement.
The event conceived and wished for by Matteo Renzi, the political training school for under-35s, is back. “Deserving Europe” will be held this year in the province of Palermo, Sicily, from 5 to 7 September 2023.
Carlo Calenda’s Azione party joins the European Democratic Party.
On the occasion of our event in Milan, our Secretary General Sandro Gozi was interviewed by AdnKronos
In the article featured in Il Foglio, this morning, journalist Oscar Giannino presents the initiative that we will see take place tomorrow in Milan, with the support of the European Democratic Party and Renew Europe.
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Avec le soutien financier du Parlement européen