Centrist Convention in Guidel: Setting the Agenda for Political Action and Citizen Involvement - Website of the European Democrats

Congresso centrista a Guidel: definire l'agenda per l'azione politica e il coinvolgimento dei cittadini

Hundreds of activists and political leaders congregated at Guidel over the course of the event. In the same way, as François Bayrou put it: “We believe that the goal of political action is to create a society in which the humanity in each of us flourishes.”, the high attendance of people not only signalled the party’s active role in national affairs but also the society’s interested in being involved in such context.


La Convenzione saw the active participation of various centrist deputies e senators deliberating on a host of issues that affect their constituencies and the nation. A range of topics spanning social, political, and environmental issues were discussed during the sessions in alignment with centrist values. For instance, in the matter of technology, Grudler brought it up as a topic of discussion: “At the European level, I am fighting to relocalize clean technologies in Europe.”

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

Also, Thierry Breton Inoltre, Thierry Breton ha ribadito l'importanza dell'unità di fronte a un mondo in evoluzione: "L'Europa potente deve permetterci di capire che tutti uniti, i 27 Paesi, 450 milioni di cittadini, possiamo costruire politiche per proteggerci e farci sentire in un mondo di blocchi".

Moreover, other discussions centred on impending social unrest due to pension reforms and the importance of consolidating the centre’s base. Given the proximity of the French Presidential elections, this event served as an important platform for inter-party dialogue and consensus-building on forthcoming challenges.

François Bayrou, in his speech, called for a drastic shift in the method of governance, arguing for the involvement and co-responsibility of citizens in political decisions. He also emphasized the importance of artificial intelligence, echoing Sandro Gozi‘s sentiment: “Personally, I believe that artificial intelligence is, in this historic phase, the greatest opportunity available to humanity.”

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu
Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

Over the course of this three-day convention, an array of activities including workshops, Q&A sessions, and debates provided interactive platforms for meaningful discourse. These moments served to clarify and enhance intra-party positions, fostering mutual understanding and enrichment.

The last day saw the convergence of about 600 elected officials, activists, and supporters at Guidel for the closing session, marking the conclusion of a productive event that sets the tone and direction for the party and its members in the coming months.

Membro/i correlato/i



Segretario Generale




Membro individuale


Christophe <br>Grudler




Massimo <br>Orville


Notizie correlate

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.eu

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