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Tribunes, entretiens, nos élus nous partagent leurs idées

PDE en Gaeta 2024

From Oct. 11-13, the town of Gaeta, in the province of Latina, halfway between Rome and Naples, became the center of political education in Italy during the fifth edition of the “Deserving Europe” training school, organized by EDP and the italian political party Italia Viva and aimed at young people under 35

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Nicola Caputo

Nicola Caputo

Nicola Caputo European Committee of the Regions ● Alternate member of the Committee of Regions since 2021 ● Member of the European Parliament from 2014-2019 ● Member of the Campania Regional Council from 2005 to 2014 [email protected] the website Linkedin

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La famille Démocrate

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Le Parti Démocrate européen garantit le niveau le plus élevé de transparence pour la poursuite de son but exclusif comme dans son organisation et son financement.

Les organisations partenaires sont les Jeunes démocrates européens (JDE) et l'Institut des démocrates européens (IED).

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