Archives des PRESSE - Website of the European Democrats

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Engin Eroglu, élu vice-président exécutif du PDE

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that German Freie Wähler MEP Engin Eroglu has been elected executive vice-president.
“I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years”, said Eroglu: “I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens”.

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La famille Démocrate

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Le Parti Démocrate européen garantit le niveau le plus élevé de transparence pour la poursuite de son but exclusif comme dans son organisation et son financement.

Les organisations partenaires sont les Jeunes démocrates européens (JDE) et l'Institut des démocrates européens (IED).

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+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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