Compromiso por Galicia


● 2019: Adhésion au PDE

● 2019 : Fait partie de la Coalition pour une Europe Solidaire (avec PNV et Coalicion Canaria) : Izaskun BILBAO BARANDICA du PNV élue députée européenne

● 2012 : Fondation

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Les actualités liées

Website of the European Democrats -

Déclaration du PDE sur la Géorgie

European democrats, we defend democracy throughout Europe   For the past week, Georgians have been on the streets. Day and night, they have been calling for the rule of law to be re-established in their country, and for the European

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Website of the European Democrats -

20e congrès et conférence du PDE à Bruxelles

“The center is the answer” : the conference of the European Democratic Party

At the Brussels Autoworld Museum, where the history of the European automotive industry is celebrated, the Congress of the European Democratic Party, one of the two European parties that make up the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, will be held.

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