Sandro Gozi - Team Europe member - Website of the European Democrats

At a time when the worst nightmares would like to nail us to our fears, to our weaknesses: this is the time to dream. And to fight of the realisation of our dreams, which are also the fairest and most pragmatic answers to the challenges of our time.   There are times when an entire generation is called upon to prove itself equal to the challenges of history. We are living one of these moments: let us reform the Union to unite Europe. 

Born on 25 March 1968 in Sogliano al Rubicone, Emilia-Romagna (Italy)

PhD in Public Law from the University of Bologna. 
He also holds a DEA in political science and a master's degree in international relations from the Institut d'études politiques de Paris and the Université libre de Bruxelles and a Doctorat honoris causa in literature and philosophy, University of Fribourg.

Website of the European Democrats -

À propos de moi

Sandro Gozi studied Law in Bologna and International Relations at the Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris and holds a Master's degree in International Relations from the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He also holds a doctorate in public law from the University of Bologna.

Former diplomat, he also tought European Politics and Institutions in several European and American Universities. He worked 10 years in the European Commission and from 2000 to 2004 He was member of the cabinet of Commission President Romano Prodi. In 2006, he was appointed advisor on European affairs to the President of the Italian Council of Ministers, and between 2006 and 2013 he was member of the Chamber of Deputies and leader of the Democratic Party's parliamentary group on the European Union Policy Committee. He also chaired the Immigration and Schengen Parliamentary Committee. He was president of the Italian Delegation and vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

He has served as Italian Secretary of State for European Affairs under the Renzi and Gentiloni governments (2014-2018) and was subsequently appointed advisor to the former French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe in 2019.

He has been decorated with the french orders of "Chevalier de la Légion d'Honneur” and “Officier des Palmes Académiques” and he holds a Doctorate Honoris Causa in Literature and Philosophy of the University of Fribourg.

Elected in 2019 in France, Sandro Gozi is today a Member of the European Parliament in the Renew Europe Group, Renew coordinator in the Committee on Constitutional Affairs and member of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection and of the Committee of Regional Development. He is also Secretary General of the European Democratic Party. On 8 March 2024, he was nominated as the EDP's lead candidate at the Florence Convention.

Lead candidate of the European Democratic Party


Membre du Parlement européen


Advisor to the former French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe


Italian Secretary of State for European Affairs


Member of the Italian Parliament


Vice-Chairman Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe



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La retraite de nos députés européens : dialogue, franchise et priorisation

Le 3 septembre, nos membres du PDE au Parlement européen se sont réunis dans le cadre historique et pittoresque de la forteresse de Namur, une structure magnifique qui surplombe fièrement la Meuse et la Sambre. Cette retraite, gracieusement organisée et accueillie par notre parti affilié, Les Engagés, a été l'occasion unique pour nos députés européens de s'éloigner des couloirs animés de la vie parlementaire et d'engager un dialogue constructif dans un cadre propice à la réflexion et à la collaboration.

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Ciaran Mullooly, nouveau député européen indépendant irlandais pour le Parti démocrate européen

Le Parti Démocrate européen a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'il a reçu et accepté la demande d'adhésion individuelle du député européen irlandais Ciaran Mullooly, élu dans la circonscription de Midlands-North-West. En conséquence, le Parti Démocrate européen a transmis la demande d'adhésion au groupe Renew Europe, qui l'a acceptée aujourd'hui. Avec l'adhésion de M. Mullooly, le PDE compte désormais 10 députés européens.

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Engin Eroglu, élu vice-président exécutif du PDE

Le Parti Démocrate européen a le plaisir d'annoncer que l'eurodéputé allemand du parti Freie Wähler, Engin Eroglu, a été élu vice-président exécutif.
"Je suis honoré d'accepter la nomination de vice-président du Parti Démocrate européen. Je crois fermement en notre vision centriste et je suis déterminé à poursuivre les efforts de consolidation et de revitalisation de ces dernières années", a déclaré M. Eroglu : "Je me consacrerai sans réserve à la réalisation de nos objectifs communs et à l'avancement du Parti Démocrate européen. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer une Union européenne forte, indépendante et économiquement prospère qui assure la sécurité et la prospérité de ses citoyens".

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