● Minister for Agriculture and Food Sovereignty since 2022
● Minister delegate for Relations with Parliament and Citizen Participation from 2020 to 2022
● Vice-President of the Mouvement Démocrate party in France since 2017
Marc Fesneau was confirmed in 2022 as Minister of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty in the Elisabeth Borne government in France. Before then that same year he was appointed Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister, in charge of relations with parliament and citizen participation, within the Jean Castex government. Prior to that he was appointed in 2018 Minister to the Prime Minister, in charge of Relations with Parliament, within the government of Édouard Philippe II.
At national level, he was elected in 2022 and 2017 deputy for the 1st constituency of Loir-et-Cher. He was from 2017 to 2018 president of the Mouvement Démocrate, or MoDem, group and related apparentés at the National Assembly. He was In September 2018 a candidate for president of the National Assembly, collecting 86 votes with his Mouvement Démocrate, or Modem group having 46 members. From 2010 to 2017, he was secretary general of the MoDem and Director of the Institute for the Training of Elected Democrats. Director of the department responsible for local development policies and European funds at the Chamber of Agriculture of Loir-et-Cher in 2000, Marc FESNEAU was also parliamentary assistant to Senator Jacqueline Gourault.
His local and regional mandates are in Loir-et-Cher, where he was from 1995 to 2017 a municipal councillor of the village of Marchenoir. He served as regional councillor of Centre-Val de Loire from 2004 to 2010 and from 2008 to 2015 a member of the Orientation Council of the Assembly of French Communities. He also served as member from 2014 to 2017 at the national office of the Association of Mayors of France and from 2015 to 2017 the national vice-president in charge of the "Institutions and local authorities" commission of the Assembly of French communities. He chaired from 2016 to 2017 the Beauce-Val de Loire community of municipalities. Marc FESNEAU was born on 11 January 1971 in Paris. He received a diploma in life and Earth sciences and graduated from Science Po in 2003.
Grande reconnaissance ce soir aux 900 soldats du feu et sapeurs-sauveteurs du @SDIS66 qui luttent actuellement contre un important incendie de forêt dans les Pyrénées-Orientales.
Pour protéger les habitants et nos massifs forestiers, la quasi-totalité de la flotte aérienne… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1834316714965668215
Avec François @Bayrou et @MFesneau pour les journées parlementaires du groupe Les Démocrates. Merci à tous pour l’accueil chaleureux. Nous partageons une vision commune. Au travail pour la mettre en œuvre !
Au travail pour relever le défi de répondre aux urgences françaises.
Nous perdons avec le décès de Michel Soufflet un homme visionnaire, un grand entrepreneur qui a su bâtir un fleuron du secteur de la meunerie-boulangerie.
Un homme attaché à sa ville natale de Nogent-sur-Seine dans l’Aube qui est devenu l’un des patrons les plus audacieux et… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1833216323553530081
À @JimBataille pour sa 10e édition dans le Doubs, la plus grande fête agricole en plein air d'Europe, organisée par les @JeunesAgri.
C’est à Terres de Jim, il y a deux ans qu’a été initié le Pacte d’orientation pour le renouvellement des générations en agriculture et le projet… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1833041627536822709
Merci aux agriculteurs et aux professionnels avec qui j’ai pu une nouvelle fois échanger aujourd’hui à la @foiredechalons.
Il s’agit d’un événement incontournable au cœur de la @regiongrandest pour valoriser notre agriculture et l’excellence de nos terroirs.
L’occasion… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1832498944200290709