Statement from EDP delegation after meeting New York City Mayor Eric Adams. - Website of the European Democrats

Déclaration de la délégation de l'EDP après sa rencontre avec le maire de New York, Eric Adams.

America’s biggest city will remain vibrant, safe, and forward-looking thanks to the work by Mayor Adams and his team. Their vision for a green transition, a circular economy and a digital future will keep New York connected, inclusive, and world class.

They grasp the wide-reaching challenges like housing, education and cybersecurity that affect cities on both sides of the Atlantic. We look forward to new framework between New York and Europe in these and other areas.

Delegation leader and EDP Secretary General Sandro Gozi commented: “Work done by Mayor Adams and his team impresses us. They have a robust approach to building a sustainable, secure and inclusive New York while harnessing digitalisation. They understood the far-reaching challenges surrounding cybersecurity and ecological transition at the centre of the political agenda on both sides of the pond.”

Sharing practices between New York and Europe can help tackle challenges and global threats that Europeans and Americans face. That’s why we have invited Mayor Adams to the European Parliament, an important opportunity to build our relations and work together for the well-being of future generations.

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Secrétaire général


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Website of the European Democrats -

Ciaran Mullooly, nouveau député européen indépendant irlandais pour le Parti démocrate européen

Le Parti Démocrate européen a le plaisir d'annoncer qu'il a reçu et accepté la demande d'adhésion individuelle du député européen irlandais Ciaran Mullooly, élu dans la circonscription de Midlands-North-West. En conséquence, le Parti Démocrate européen a transmis la demande d'adhésion au groupe Renew Europe, qui l'a acceptée aujourd'hui. Avec l'adhésion de M. Mullooly, le PDE compte désormais 10 députés européens.

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Website of the European Democrats -

Engin Eroglu, élu vice-président exécutif du PDE

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that German Freie Wähler MEP Engin Eroglu has been elected executive vice-president.
“I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years”, said Eroglu: “I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens”.

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