
Articles, opinion pieces and interviews highlighting ideas shared by elected policymakers.

The Retreat of our MEPs: dialogue, frankness and prioritization

On the 3rd of September, our EDP members of the European Parliament gathered in the historic and picturesque setting of the fortress of Namur, a magnificent structure that proudly overlooks the Meuse and Sambre rivers. This retreat, graciously organized and hosted by our affiliated party, Les Engagés, provided a unique opportunity for our MEPs to step away from the bustling corridors of parliamentary life and engage in meaningful dialogue in a setting conducive to reflection and collaboration.

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Engin Eroglu, elected as vice-president executive of EDP

The European Democratic Party is pleased to announce that German Freie Wähler MEP Engin Eroglu has been elected executive vice-president.
“I am honoured to accept the nomination as Deputy Chairman of the European Democratic Party. I firmly believe in our centrist vision and am determined to advance the consolidation and revitalization efforts of recent years”, said Eroglu: “I will dedicate myself wholeheartedly to achieving our common goals and advancing the European Democratic Party. Together, we can create a strong, independent, and economically thriving European Union that provides security and prosperity for its citizens”.

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Press Conference: new party member Les Engagés join the EDP

On Thursday 20 June, Maxime PREVOT, President of the Mouvement Les Engagés, and Yvan VEROUGSTRAETE, Vice-President and MEP, announced the arrival of the Mouvement Les Engagés in the European Democratic Party at a press conference at the European Parliament in the presence of François BAYROU, President of the PDE, and Sandro GOZI, Secretary General of the European Party.

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Engin Eroglu

Engin Eroglu

???????? ???????? I’m Engin Eroglu, member of the presidency of the EDP [email protected] my personal page on the EP website Full Member of Economic & Monetary Affairs (ECON) Substitute Member of Foreign Affairs (AFET) Substitute Member of Industry, Research &

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EDP between two congresses: Bitburg and Blois

The Federal Party Congress in Bitburg began with a musical welcome, setting the tone for a day of enlightening discussions and important topic on the party itself and Europe. Instead, the Movement Democrate’s Congress in Blois last month served as a pivotal gathering, uniting like-minded people committed to progressive ideals and innovative solutions. The two events were a testament to the movement’s unwavering commitment to fostering unity, shaping the future of politics and promoting inclusive governance.

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Zukunftsmacher EUROPA 3.0

The EDP invites you to an exchange of ideas on the future of Europe from 9 to 11 February 2024 in Kassel (Hesse). All interested parties are invited, from pupils, students and employees to pensioners.

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The Democratic family

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The European Democratic Party guarantees the highest level of transparency in the pursuit of its exclusive purpose as well as in its organization and financing.

EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED).

Contact information

+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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