Christophe Grudler, French MEP MoDem-PDE, reacts to the announcement of the Green Deal Industrial Plan by the European Commission, explaining the stakes of this plan.
Max Orville, French MEP, was the guest of Politik Peyi on La 1ère Outremer to talk about the role of MEPs and the action of the European Union overseas.
On 27/01/2023, the Parliamentary and European Conference ‘Thinking Europe: Agriculture’, hosted by the European Democratic Party and organized with the help of Madeiran party JPP, took place in Santa Cruz.
Today, European Democrats are happy to welcome the adoption of the report on transparency and targeting of political advertisement by the Committee of Internal Market and Consumer Protection.
Carlo Calenda’s Azione party joins the European Democratic Party.
Asked about the “Qatargate”, the alleged corruption case between the former vice-president of the European Parliament Eva Kaili and Qatar, French MEP Marie-Pierre Vedrenne expressed her anger:
The two leaders of the Italian Third Pole, Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda, met last Saturday in Milano at a well-attended conference called “The Challenges of Liberal Democracy in Europe” promoted by the European Democratic Party and Renew Europe.
European Democratic Party and Freie Wähler members from all over Germany visit Kassel at the three-day event “Future Makers: Europe! 2.0” focused on the scenario “Europe in 2052”.
In the article featured in Il Foglio, this morning, journalist Oscar Giannino presents the initiative that we will see take place tomorrow in Milan, with the support of the European Democratic Party and Renew Europe.
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