
Articles, opinion pieces and interviews highlighting ideas shared by elected policymakers.
Industry and growth

Industry and growth

Industry and growth The situation Against the backdrop of the continuing economic crisis, Europe has seen its industry lose ground, with production down by 10% and three million jobs lost, while its partners or competitors have grown. Europeans There are

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Euro and economic governance - European Social Model

European Social Model

European Social Model The situation The European social model provides a real safety net for all EU citizens. Today, however, basic social rights are threatened by a lack of common action. There are reasons for this: Lack of European dimension:

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Energy and Climate

Energy and Climate

The situation of energy and climate Climate change is no longer a theory, it is a reality. It no longer concerns “future generations” but affects our current environment. Cruel paradox, the effects of global warming threaten first and foremost the

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Foreign policy and security

Foreign policy and security

Foreign policy and security The key is European foreign and security policy, in this new state of the world. This is an imperative that stems from new issues such as “cyber threats” and terrorism. A pooling of the operational resources of

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Migration and refugees

Migration and refugees

Migration and refugees The essential thing is a fair and effective fight against the dramas born of illegal immigration. Europe must provide itself with the budgetary, operational and legal means to act within the framework of a common asylum and immigration

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Vision of agriculture

Vision of agriculture

Vision of agriculture The main thing is strengthening and reforming the Common Agricultural Policy. Maintain the priority given to food self-sufficiency while promoting the emergence of an agriculture that respects the environment, cares about the quality, traceability and food safety of

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The main thing is to fight against all forms of discriminations. The considerable gaps, for example in pay or in access to responsibilities, between men and women must be a thing of the past. The European Union must therefore

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The most important thing is to promote cultural and linguistic diversity, which is the wealth of our continent, our history, our cities and territories. The EU actions initiated in the 1990s must be continued and expanded. It is a

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The Democratic family

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The European Democratic Party guarantees the highest level of transparency in the pursuit of its exclusive purpose as well as in its organization and financing.

EDP partner organizations are: the Young Democrats for Europe (YDE) and the Institute of European Democrats (IED).

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+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgique

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