Laurence Farreng - Website of the European Democrats

Laurence Farreng

Membre du Parlement européen (France)
Membre du Parlement européen (France)

● Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments seit 2019

● Coordinator of the Culture, Education and Youth Committee for the Renew Europe group

● Vice-President of Mouvement Démocrate party in France

● Full Member of the Committee of Culture and Education (CULT)

● Substitute Member of the Committee of the  Employment and Social
Affairs (EMPL)

● Substitute Member of the Committee of Legal Affairs (JURI)

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Laurence Farreng, 56, has been a member of the European Parliament since 2019, where she was elected on the Renaissance list. She follows issues related to education, culture, youth and education. She takes keen interest in the development of Europe’s audio-visual sector, being rapporteur in 2022 for a report on e-sports and video games adopted by the Committee on Culture and Education (CULT), where she is a member. She is also coordinator of the Culture, Education and Youth Committee for the Renew Europe group and also the rapporteur for the ERASMUS+ 2021-2027 programme. She serves as a member of the Plenary of the Conference on the Future of Europe and a sits as a substitute on the European Parliament’s Regional Development Committee, which defines the regional and cohesion fund programmes. In France, she became in 2021 a regional councillor for Nouvelle-Aquitaine, where she sits on the council’s committee for ecological transition. One year prior, she became local councillor for the city of Pau. She was selected in 2022 as Vice-President of Mouvement Démocrate, the EDP member political party in France.


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Kongress der EDP in Mainz 2023: ein Schritt in die Zukunft Europas

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Zentralkongress in Guidel: Festlegung der Agenda für politisches Handeln und Bürgerbeteiligung

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Danke Europa

Am Dienstag, den 9. Mai 2023, feierten die französische Partei „Mouvement Démocrate“ (MoDem) und die Europäische Demokratische Partei (EDP) zusammen mit zahlreichen europäischen Vertretern den Europatag in Straßburg, der Hauptstadt Europas.

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