Website of the European Democrats -

Alla nostra Convention di Firenze dell’8 marzo 2024

We said and wrote that we want to rock the European Union. Because if rock was the music revolution, changing fashions and lifestyles of entire generations of people, Europe-our Europe that we love so much-can and must be our revolution: the revolution of freedoms, rule of law, ecological and digital transition, consumer rights, strong and sustainable businesses. A Europe that is welcoming but secure, powerful but diplomatic, sovereign but attentive to territories, respectful of women's and minority rights.

Website of the European Democrats - https://democrats.euWebsite of the European Democrats - https://democrats.euWebsite of the European Democrats -

Queste idee le abbiamo trasferite nel nostro manifesto che vi invitiamo a leggere, a studiare ed a diffondere. Per dire forte che sì, l’Europa può essere la nostra rivoluzione.


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