Archives des Italia Viva - Website of the European Democrats

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Articoli, opinioni e interviste che evidenziano le idee condivise dai politici eletti.

Teodolinda 2024

On 11 May, the Teodolinda 2024 will take place in Abbiategrasso (MI), a wonderful opportunity to do Politics, to talk about Europe, Italy and Lombardy.

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Eurodems – France

👋🏻 I’m Sandro Gozi, the Secretary General of the EDP. [email protected] See my personal page on the EP website ● Change for Europe : A genuine transnational democracy. ● Key achievements :A more transparent and accountable political advertising in Europe.

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Eurodems – Czech Republic

Czech Republic Sen21, established in 2017, embodies the essence of the Senate as a collection of experienced, respected, and trustworthy personalities sharing the values and principles of liberal democracy. Originally formed to support independent Senate candidates, Sen21 subsequently expanded its

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Eurodems – Basque country

Basque country The Basque Nationalist Party (EAJ-PNV) was founded in 1895 by Sabino de Arana Goiri with a core focus on advocating political independence for the province of Biscay and preserving Basque traditional culture and language. The EAJ-PNV has evolved

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Eurodems – Italia

Italy Italia Viva, officially named ‘Italy Alive’ , is a liberal political party in Italy founded in September 2019. The party, currently led by Matteo Renzi, a former Prime Minister of Italy and former Democratic Party (PD) secretary, is a

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Eurodems - Germany

Eurodems – Germany

Germany The Freie Wähler (Free Voters) party is a conservative, populist political party in Germany, particularly strong in the state of Bavaria, where it has participated in a coalition with the leading Christian Social Union. Originating as an umbrella organization

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La famiglia democratica

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Il Partito Democratico Europeo garantisce il massimo livello di trasparenza nel perseguimento dei suoi scopi, nonché nella sua organizzazione e nel suo finanziamento.

Le organizzazioni partner sono i Giovani Democratici Europei (YED) e l'Istituto dei Democratici Europei (IED).

Informazioni di contatto

+32 2 213 00 10
Rue Montoyer 25, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgio

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