Archives des Presidency - Website of the European Democrats

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Congresso del PDE a Magonza 2023: un passo verso il futuro dell'Europa

Il 13 ottobre 2023, nella storica città di Magonza, in Germania, il Partito Democratico Europeo ha tenuto un importante Congresso. Non solo delegazioni provenienti da Germania, Italia, Francia, Spagna, Austria, Polonia, Repubblica Ceca, Bulgaria e molti altri Paesi si sono riunite per partecipare a questo importante evento, ma è stato anche un terreno fertile per dibattiti fondamentali e proposte innovative che affrontano le questioni urgenti della nostra epoca.

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Gerrit-Jan van Otterloo

Gerrit-Jan van Otterloo

🇳🇱 👋🏻 I’m Gerrit-Jan van Otterloo, Vice-President of the EDP Member of the Dutch Lower House From 1986 to 1994 Member of the Dutch Lower House From 2019 to 2021 Vice-President of the EDP Since 2023 Related news Latest Tweets

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Nicos Koutsou

Nicos Koutsou

Nicos Koutsou Honorary President ● Honorary president of EDP since 2019 ● Vice president of EDP from 2004 to 2019 ● Member of Cyprus parliament from 1996 until 2016 Le président honoraire du PDE et homme d’affaires Nicos Koutsou a

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Marina Demetriou Stavrou

Marina Demetriou Stavrou

Marina Demetriou Stavrou Secrétaire générale adjointe ● Deputy Secretary General of EDP since 2016 ● President of Women’s Alliance from 2013 to 2018 ● Member of Symmaxia Politon political party from 2013 to 2018 Facebook Instagram Linkedin Marina Demetriou Stavrou

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José María Etxebarria

José María Etxebarria

José María Etxebarria Deputy Secretary General ● Deputy Secretary General of EDP since 2019 ● International Political Coordinator of EAJ-PNV from 2005 to 2014 ● Vice president of Basque Council on International European Movement from 2000 to 2011 [email protected] José

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István Sértő-Radics

István Sértő-Radics

István Sértő-Radics Deputy Secretary General ● Deputy Secretary General of EDP since 2019 ● Vice-President, Új Kezdet party in Hungary ● Vice-President of European Committee of the Regions from 2004 to 2010 [email protected] EDP Deputy Secretary General István Sértő-Radics is

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Marios Georgiadis

Marios Georgiadis

Marios Georgiadis Vice President ● Vice president of the EDP since 2016. ● Vice President of the Hellenic Parliament from 2017 to 2019 ● Member of the Hellenic Parliament from 2015 to 2019 See the website Facebook Twitter Instagram Linkedin

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Karl Erjavec

Karl Erjavec

Karl Erjavec Vice president ● Vice president of EDP since 2019 ● President of Demokratična stranka upokojencev Slovenije 2005-2020 and 2020-2021 ● Deputy Prime Minister 2012-2020 Facebook Twitter An EDP vice president since 2019, Karl Viktor Erjavec is a Slovenian

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Gianluca Susta

Gianluca Susta

Gianluca Susta Vice President ● Member of the Italian Senate from 2013 to 2018 ● Member of the European Parliament from 2006 until 2014 ● Mayor of Biella, Italy from 1992 to 2004 Twitter Gianluca Susta served was a member

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Le organizzazioni partner sono i Giovani Democratici Europei (YED) e l'Istituto dei Democratici Europei (IED).

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