The Democrats Pulse – december 2024
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter
● Full Member of Industry, Research &
● Substitute Member of Environment, Public
Health & Food Safety
● Substitute Member of Internal Market &
Consumer Protection
● Eine Veränderung für Europa:
Eine echte transnationale Demokratie.
● Wichtigste Errungenschaften :
Eine transparentere und verantwortungsvollere politische Werbung in Europa.
Von 2004 bis 2010
Seit 2020
Seit 2021
On the strength of having won the Belgian federal and regional elections with over 20% of the vote and having won a seat in the European Parliament in the triple election organised in Belgium on 9 June 2024, we would be honoured to draw together, with you, the outlines of a new ambition for a Europe that is progressive, humanist and close to its citizens. We are aware of the values that guide your commitment and we are convinced that we can be an additional asset for the centrist political force that you have created and help you to strengthen the European Union. Indeed, it is only through the strength of our convictions and the rejection of the false dichotomy between left-wing and right-wing policies that we will be able to build a stronger, fairer, more sustainable, more humane and more democratic Europe. A stronger Europe that defends our strategic autonomy in terms of energy, digital technology, industry, agriculture, health and defence to guarantee our security, our geopolitical power and our independence. A fairer Europe, which protects and supports through upward social convergence, through support for all towards the world of work of tomorrow, through reciprocity clauses in trade agreements and through the fight against fraud, dumping and corruption. A more sustainable Europe, which guarantees respect for environmental and social limits and supports the investment needed to ensure that everyone can make a success of the transition (infrastructure, industry and education). We want an ecological transition that is equal to the challenges, inclusive and pragmatic, far removed from any ideological dogmatism, and in no way punitive towards families or businesses. We are in favour of an ambitious and pragmatic ecology that combines ecology and the economy. A more humane Europe, one that encourages the development of European citizens and gives due recognition to those who "care", teach or defend our culture. A Europe where differences are not just accepted but celebrated, and where human rights are seen as an unshakeable common ground. A Europe that is more democratic and more effective, thanks to the introduction of the election of the President (of the Council and the Commission) by universal suffrage on lists common to all European countries, the introduction of a right of initiative for the European Parliament and the abolition of unanimous voting in the Council.
Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter
EDP Position Paper Migration: Real Solutions, Not False Promises Values and Security: We Can Have Both The idea that we must choose between security and our values is a false dichotomy. Europe can be both secure and humane. Upholding human
„Die Ernennung von François Bayrou zum Premierminister ist eine kluge und zukunftsorientierte Entscheidung von Präsident Emmanuel Macron“, erklärte Sandro Gozi, MdEP und Generalsekretär der Europäischen Demokratischen Partei. „Im Laufe seiner langen politischen Laufbahn hat François Bayrou bewiesen, dass er ein Mann des Dialogs, des Gleichgewichts und der Weitsicht ist – Eigenschaften, die unerlässlich sind, um die komplexen Herausforderungen zu meistern, vor denen Frankreich heute steht.“
On November 16, 2024, the European Democratic Party (EDP) had the honor of attending the Party Congress of the Freie Wähler (FW) in the charming town of Geiselwind, Bavaria.
“The center is the answer” : the conference of the European Democratic Party
At the Brussels Autoworld Museum, where the history of the European automotive industry is celebrated, the Congress of the European Democratic Party, one of the two European parties that make up the Renew Europe group in the European Parliament, will be held.
Willkommen zurück zum Newsletter der Europäischen Demokratischen Partei, der ab heute regelmäßig einmal im Monat erscheinen wird.