On 15 May 2024, the EDP organised the presentation of its electoral manifesto in Prague. The event entitled ‘Quo Vadis Europe?’ focused on three panels: one on security, one on migration and one on the role of women. This event was attended by many people and speakers.
Our Secretary General opened the event with a speech focusing on the importance of Eastern European countries in the future of Europe. The panels were attended by a number of local and international experts, each of whom was joined by members of Czech member Sen21, such as Secretary Lukas Kostinek and Lenka Koeniksmark. Also Frédéric Petit, EDP Deputy secretary, contributed as a foreign policy expert.
Ogni evento era seguito da un Q&A del pubblico indirizzato ai componenti dei panel, in modo che si potesse allargare e dibattere sui temi piú importanti.
Infine, a fine evento, dopo le foto di rito, i partecipanti hanno potuto fare delle conversazioni informali tra di loro e con il pubblico.
Membro/i correlato/i
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Welcome back to the European Democratic Party’s newsletter
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