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Paesi Bassi

Adriana ha una lunga storia all'interno di 50PLUS. Membro fin dall'inizio (2010), è entrata a far parte del consiglio principale in giovane età, durante il periodo in cui Jan Nagel era presidente. Nel 2015 è stata eletta nel consiglio generale dell'AA en Maas Water Board. Una posizione che ha ricoperto con successo per otto anni. Attualmente Adriana è consigliere comunale a 's-Hertogenbosch, carica che ricopre dal 2018. All'interno di 50PLUS, Adriana si è fatta un nome come attivista ispirata e di successo durante varie campagne.

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👋🏻 Io sono Adriana Hernández

Adriana has a long history within 50PLUS. As a member from the very beginning (2010), she joined the main board at an early age during the time that Jan Nagel was chairman. In 2015 she was elected to the general board of the AA en Maas Water Board. A position she has filled successfully for eight years. Adriana is currently a city councillor in 's-Hertogenbosch, a position she has held since 2018. Within 50PLUS, Adriana has made a name for herself as an inspired and successful campaigner during various campaigns.


Candidate for Coalicion Canaria in the European elections


Member of the Assembly and Spokesperson CC-PNC


President of the Council of Tenerife


Office Administrator of DG REGIO for the outermost regions


Project Manager within the Cabinet of the Presidency


Deputy Minister of Agriculture


General Director of Livestock


Director-General for European Affairs/Economic Affairs with the EU


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